Libapmath 0.1a-1 - An arbitrary precision mathematics library.
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2005-10-31 11:00:05 UTC
Libapmath 0.1a-1
by sfjprojects (http://freshmeat.net/~sfjprojects/)
Mon, Oct 31st 2005 03:00

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as
convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is
that of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all
arithmetic by overloading of operators.

Arithemtic is working. System data types may be imported and exported.

Release focus: Major feature enhancements
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libapmath/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_homepage/apmath.html
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_tgz/libapmath-0.1a-1.tgz
2006-03-31 08:02:32 UTC
Libapmath 0.1
by sfjprojects (http://freshmeat.net/~sfjprojects/)
Fri, Mar 31st 2006 00:02

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as
convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is
that of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all
arithmetic by overloading of operators.

First beta release, basically offering all necessary for operation.

Release focus: Major feature enhancements
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libapmath/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_homepage/apmath.html
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_tgz/libapmath.tgz
2006-08-14 13:31:58 UTC
Libapmath 0.2
by sfjprojects (http://freshmeat.net/~sfjprojects/)
Mon, Aug 14th 2006 06:31

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as
convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is
that of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all
arithmetic by overloading of operators.

Class layout was improved. For instance, the basic numerical class is no
longer part of the precision control interface. The IO_control module was
added. New division and square root algorithms were added. The
trigonometric routines were improved. The documentation was improved. Some
bugfixes were made.

Release focus: Major feature enhancements
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libapmath/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_homepage/apmath.html
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_tgz/libapmath.tgz
2006-11-05 16:26:15 UTC
Libapmath 0.3
by sfjprojects (http://freshmeat.net/~sfjprojects/)
Sun, Nov 5th 2006 08:26

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as
convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is
that of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all
arithmetic by overloading of operators.

A new, more efficient implementation of Karatsuba multiplication. Big
number multiplication based on discrete Fourier transformation (e.g.
available with CXXFLAGS="-D__APMATH_FOURIER -O3"). A new Pi algorithm.

Release focus: Major feature enhancements
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libapmath/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_homepage/apmath.html
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_tgz/libapmath.tgz

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2007-09-15 10:54:00 UTC
Libapmath 0.4
by sfjprojects (http://freshmeat.net/~sfjprojects/)
Sat, Sep 15th 2007 03:53

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as
convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is
that of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all
arithmetic by overloading of operators.

This release added a distinction between guaranteed accuracy and operation
precision, a square root algorithm that adapts to varying precision, a new
implementation of Karatsuba's multiplication, a new and faster
"paper-and-pen" division algorithm, new exponential and logarithm
functions, and new trigonometric functions.

Release focus: N/A
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libapmath/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_homepage/apmath.html
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_tgz/libapmath.tgz

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2007-09-23 10:27:48 UTC
Libapmath 0.4.1
by sfjprojects (http://freshmeat.net/~sfjprojects/)
Sun, Sep 23rd 2007 03:27

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as
convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is
that of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all
arithmetic by overloading of operators.

Benchmarking and testing was improved. Some names have changed. Two new
precision related constants were added. memory management in
multiplication was made smarter, so "*" is now faster. Some bugs were
fixed. Code was cleaned up.

Release focus: Minor feature enhancements
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libapmath/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_homepage/apmath.html
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_tgz/libapmath.tgz

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2007-10-06 20:23:15 UTC
Libapmath 0.4.2
by sfjprojects (http://freshmeat.net/~sfjprojects/)
Sat, Oct 6th 2007 13:23

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as
convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is
that of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all
arithmetic by overloading of operators.

A hard-to-reproduce bug in the multiplication routine has been removed.

Release focus: Minor bugfixes
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libapmath/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_homepage/apmath.html
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_tgz/libapmath.tgz
2008-02-19 21:34:19 UTC
Libapmath 0.5
by sfjprojects (http://freshmeat.net/~sfjprojects/)
Tue, Feb 19th 2008 12:34

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as
convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is
that of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all
arithmetic by overloading of operators.

- improved source tree layout - sign representation simplified - ++ and --
operators added to "real" interface. - New simple functions that come in
very handy, e.g. for comparison of absolute values. - significant
improvement of log performance. - improvements to trigonometric functions
- bugfixes: boolean arithmetic, multiplication

Release focus: Major feature enhancements
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libapmath/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_homepage/apmath.html
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_tgz/libapmath.tgz

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2008-06-29 15:14:18 UTC
Libapmath 1.0
by sfjprojects (http://freshmeat.net/~sfjprojects/)
Sun, Jun 29th 2008 15:14

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as
convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is that
of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all arithmetic by
overloading of operators.

In this release, a new type naming scheme is employed for the first time.
The source tree has been tidied up and the build process streamlined. A
simple MPI interface for simplification of number transfer in parallel
computations has been added, along with minor technical enhancements.

Release focus: Major feature enhancements
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libapmath/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_homepage/apmath.html
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_tgz/libapmath-1.0.0.tgz

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2008-07-21 14:18:32 UTC
Libapmath 1.1
by sfjprojects (http://freshmeat.net/~sfjprojects/)
Mon, Jul 21st 2008 14:18

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as
convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is that
of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all arithmetic by
overloading of operators.

The new naming scheme that was introduced in version 1.0 is now applied
more consistenty. A new routine, real_c::accumulate, provides a fast method
for implementation of series expansions, and is likely to be emplyoed in
many of the exponential and trigonometric functions in upcoming versions of
the library. A critical bug in sqrt has been identified and removed. A
critical bug in atan2 has been identified and removed.

Release focus: Major bugfixes
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libapmath/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_homepage/apmath.html
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_tgz/libapmath-1.1.tar.gz
Changelog: http://freshmeat.net/redir/libapmath/60934/url_changelog/Changelog-1.1

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