UvumiTools Gallery 1.0.0 - A photo/image gallery Web site plugin.
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2008-07-12 08:36:33 UTC
UvumiTools Gallery 1.0.0
by UvumiTools (http://freshmeat.net/~uvumi/)
Sat, Jul 12th 2008 08:36

UvumiTools Gallery allows you to display fancy photo galleries on your Web
site without requiring you to be a master programmer. All you need to do is
include a couple JavaScript and CSS files. This is made possible thanks to
the powerful Mootools JavaScript Framework.

Release focus: Initial freshmeat announcement
License: MIT/X Consortium License
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/utgallery/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/utgallery/75118/url_homepage/gallery.html
Zip: http://freshmeat.net/redir/utgallery/75118/url_zip/gallery.html
Demo site: http://freshmeat.net/redir/utgallery/75118/url_demo/gallery.html

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2008-07-20 23:39:22 UTC
UvumiTools Gallery 1.0.1
by UvumiTools (http://freshmeat.net/~uvumi/)
Sun, Jul 20th 2008 23:39

UvumiTools Gallery allows you to display fancy photo galleries on your Web
site without requiring you to be a master programmer. All you need to do is
include a couple JavaScript and CSS files. This is made possible thanks to
the powerful Mootools JavaScript Framework.

This release fixes a small bug that happens if the container's position is
not set to relative or absolute prior ro initialization. Now the script
sets the position to relative if none has been defined with CSS.

Release focus: Minor bugfixes
License: MIT/X Consortium License
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/utgallery/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/utgallery/75118/url_homepage/gallery.html
Zip: http://freshmeat.net/redir/utgallery/75118/url_zip/gallery.html
Demo site: http://freshmeat.net/redir/utgallery/75118/url_demo/gallery.html

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Track & Manage Your Source Code and Digital Assets for FREE with Perforce

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