Clue 0.2 - An ANSI C compiler for JavaScript and Lua.
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2008-07-18 13:34:06 UTC
Clue 0.2
by David Given (http://freshmeat.net/~dgtaocouk/)
Fri, Jul 18th 2008 13:34

Clue is an experimental ANSI C compiler that targets high level dynamic
languages like Lua, JavaScript, Python, and Perl. It is designed to be very
easy to adapt to new targets. It is currently under development and is more
interesting than useful, although it is complete enough to run several
benchmarking tools (including Whetstone).

This version supports JavaScript and Lua backends. C compiled to Lua runs
at about one fifth of native speed (using Mike Pall's LuaJIT engine), while
when compiled to JavaScript it runs at 1/80th of native speed (using
SpiderMonkey). Not all of the C language is covered. Notable omissions are
switch and varargs, but enough is there to be interesting.

Release focus: Initial freshmeat announcement
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/clue/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/clue/75191/url_homepage/cluecc.sourceforge.net
Tar/BZ2: http://freshmeat.net/redir/clue/75191/url_bz2/showfiles.php
Mailing list archive: http://freshmeat.net/redir/clue/75191/url_list/mail

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2008-07-20 23:38:00 UTC
Clue 0.3
by David Given (http://freshmeat.net/~dgtaocouk/)
Sun, Jul 20th 2008 23:38

Clue is an experimental ANSI C compiler that targets high level dynamic
languages like Lua, JavaScript, Python, and Perl. It is designed to be very
easy to adapt to new targets. It is currently under development and is more
interesting than useful, although it is complete enough to run several
benchmarking tools (including Whetstone).

This version supports Javascript, Lua, and Perl backends. C compiled to Lua
runs at about one fifth of native speed (using Mike Pall's LuaJIT engine),
while when compiled to JavaScript it runs at 1/80th of native speed (using
SpiderMonkey). Perl's speed is rather less good. Not all of the C language
is covered. Notable omissions are switch and varargs, but enough is there
to be interesting.

Release focus: Minor feature enhancements
License: BSD License (revised)
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/clue/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/clue/75191/url_homepage/cluecc.sourceforge.net
Tar/BZ2: http://freshmeat.net/redir/clue/75191/url_bz2/showfiles.php
Mailing list archive: http://freshmeat.net/redir/clue/75191/url_list/mail

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Track & Manage Your Source Code and Digital Assets for FREE with Perforce

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