SVNChecker 0.1 - A framework for Subversion hook scripts.
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2007-01-09 19:29:10 UTC
SVNChecker 0.1
by Andreas Schreiber (http://freshmeat.net/~aschreiber/)
Tue, Jan 9th 2007 11:29

SVNChecker is a framework for Subversion pre-commit hooks in order to
implement checks of the to-be-committed files before they are committed.
For example, you can check for the code style or unit tests. The output of
the checks can be send by mail, written to a file, or simply printed to the

Release focus: Initial freshmeat announcement
License: The Apache License 2.0
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/svnchecker/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_homepage/SVNChecker
Zip: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_zip/svnchecker-0.1.zip
2007-09-23 21:38:58 UTC
SVNChecker 0.1.1
by Andreas Schreiber (http://freshmeat.net/~aschreiber/)
Sun, Sep 23rd 2007 14:38

SVNChecker is a framework for Subversion pre-commit hooks in order to
implement checks of the to-be-committed files before they are committed.
For example, you can check for the code style or unit tests. The output of
the checks can be send by mail, written to a file, or simply printed to the

Release focus: Minor bugfixes
License: The Apache License 2.0
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/svnchecker/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_homepage/SVNChecker
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_tgz/svnchecker-0.1.1.tar.gz
Zip: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_zip/svnchecker-0.1.1.zip
Bug tracker: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_bugtracker/tracker

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2008-02-10 01:48:50 UTC
SVNChecker 0.1.2
by Andreas Schreiber (http://freshmeat.net/~aschreiber/)
Sat, Feb 9th 2008 17:48

SVNChecker is a framework for Subversion pre-commit hooks in order to
implement checks of the to-be-committed files before they are committed.
For example, you can check for the code style or unit tests. The output of
the checks can be send by mail, written to a file, or simply printed to the

This release fixes a bug with spaces in path and file names.

Release focus: Minor bugfixes
License: The Apache License 2.0
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/svnchecker/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_homepage/svnchecker.sourceforge.net
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_tgz/svnchecker-0.1.2.tar.gz
Zip: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_zip/svnchecker-0.1.2.zip
Bug tracker: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_bugtracker/tracker

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2008-03-12 12:36:42 UTC
SVNChecker 0.2
by Andreas Schreiber (http://freshmeat.net/~aschreiber/)
Wed, Mar 12th 2008 04:36

SVNChecker is a framework for Subversion pre-commit hooks in order to
implement checks of the to-be-committed files before they are committed.
For example, you can check for the code style or unit tests. The output of
the checks can be send by mail, written to a file, or simply printed to the

The interfaces to implement a Check or Handler were changed. The
Transaction and Config classes have been improved. A lot of checks have
been enhanced. New Checks were added, including Checkout and
CaseInsensitiveFilenameClash. The configuration now supports a system-wide
file which can define configuration options which are fixed for all
installed repositories. If you want to use the hooks directory in the
configuration file, you can now use %HOOKS%, which will automatically be

Release focus: Minor feature enhancements
License: The Apache License 2.0
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/svnchecker/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_homepage/svnchecker.tigris.org
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_tgz/svnchecker-0.2.tar.gz
Zip: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_zip/svnchecker-0.2.zip
Changelog: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_changelog/manual.html#AEN345
Bug tracker: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_bugtracker/ProjectIssues

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2008-07-16 07:21:22 UTC
SVNChecker 0.2.1
by Andreas Schreiber (http://freshmeat.net/~aschreiber/)
Wed, Jul 16th 2008 07:21

SVNChecker is a framework for Subversion pre-commit hooks in order to
implement checks of the to-be-committed files before they are committed.
For example, you can check for the code style or unit tests. The output of
the checks can be send by mail, written to a file, or simply printed to the

This release fixes a couple of bugs. A bug in the pylint check that made
the check pass although it failed was fixed. The "Pylint.ConfigFile"
configuration option was made optional, and a default pylintrc will be used
if you don't specify it. A bug in the transaction module that returned an
empty file when calling getFile() more than once was fixed. A bug in the
transaction module to avoid a deadlock when receiving big files was fixed.
The SVNChecker was made compatible with Python 2.4.

Release focus: Major bugfixes
License: The Apache License 2.0
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/svnchecker/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_homepage/svnchecker.tigris.org
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_tgz/svnchecker-0.2.1.tar.gz
Zip: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_zip/svnchecker-0.2.1.zip
Changelog: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_changelog/manual.html#AEN345
Bug tracker: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_bugtracker/ProjectIssues

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2008-07-20 23:41:53 UTC
SVNChecker 0.3
by Andreas Schreiber (http://freshmeat.net/~aschreiber/)
Sun, Jul 20th 2008 23:41

SVNChecker is a framework for Subversion pre-commit hooks in order to
implement checks of the to-be-committed files before they are committed.
For example, you can check for the code style or unit tests. The output of
the checks can be send by mail, written to a file, or simply printed to the

A RejectTabs test has been added. This check parses a given set of files
(ignoring binary files) and rejects any file that contains leading tabs.

Release focus: Minor feature enhancements
License: The Apache License 2.0
Project URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/svnchecker/

Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_homepage/svnchecker.tigris.org
Tar/GZ: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_tgz/svnchecker-0.3.tar.gz
Zip: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_zip/svnchecker-0.3.zip
Changelog: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_changelog/manual.html#AEN345
Bug tracker: http://freshmeat.net/redir/svnchecker/67950/url_bugtracker/ProjectIssues

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